Thursday, 13 January 2011

Can You Work Whilst Undertaking Driving Instructor Training?

Becoming a driving instructor is an increasingly popular career choice for many people. Unfortunately, most of us are unable to give up our current jobs to make time for the training, as we all have financial commitments to meet. Luckily, most driving instructor training colleges provide flexible learning where you can take classes around your current work commitments. This enables you to carry out the driving instructor training when it is convenient for you. You do not have to worry about losing income from your current job, with all that stress that can bring.

If this seems attractive to you, then you should probably pick an instructor college that has offices nationwide. The bigger the school, the more branches they have, and the more chance that classes are offered in the evenings and at weekends. Smaller schools will be less flexible, and you may find that you can only take classes during normal office hours.

Many new students are keen to take on clients before they are fully qualified, and this is also possible. You can earn some nice extra income by teaching as a student instructor. You will not be able to charge a full rate for your time, but you will still be able to earn and learn at the same time. In this way, it is quite easy to offset the cost of your driving instructor training course.

One thing to keep in mind however, is that squeezing in your training around current work commitments will mean that the course takes longer to complete. Many people following this path take over two years to complete the driving instructor training. By condensing your training, you can become fully qualified within six months. Of course, the final decision is entirely up to you, and time to complete the training should not affect your ability to do the job well.

If you are considering a career change but are put off by the thought that retraining means having to live in poverty for months at a time, then training as a driving instructor could be the right choice for you. It is one of the few careers where it is possible to train and earn at the same time.